MBGBA Newsletters
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Each year, the MBGBA sends out quarterly newsletters to its members, containing news, articles, and other features. The previous year's newsletters are archived here to archive our history, and for reference to future generations. As a member, you will receive these newsletters as they are first released, as well as have the ability to submit articles and even advertise within them!
If you have copies of newsletters not found here, please contact us to let us know! We are looking to digitally preserve as much history as possible, and would like to arrange to borrow missing newsletters for scanning or replication. Thank you!
If you have copies of newsletters not found here, please contact us to let us know! We are looking to digitally preserve as much history as possible, and would like to arrange to borrow missing newsletters for scanning or replication. Thank you!
Newsletter #1
Newsletter #2 |
Newsletter #3